Sons and Lovers is the recent book I have finished reading (several weeks ago, actually). It is going to be nice to have some talks about it. Well, it tells about Morel’s family, about how they grew up (with all the problems included). Tells about the first time Walter Morel met a woman who later became his wife. It tells about the marriage that was sweet at first few months then sacrificing at the rest of the time, though they could work on it somehow. And it is told that they had three sons; William, Paul, and Arthur and one daughter Annie. To read this book means to follow the story of the family.
D. H. Lawrence successfully described the emotional experience amongst the members of family especially the mother and the sons, how they cope with the feeling matters amongst them. Lawrence vividly portrayed the intense feeling between the mother and her sons that somehow is savere, something like deep sadness and affection, all at once. The term of such unique affectionate intimacy of relationship is called Oedipus Complex (say thanks to Mr. Freud for that). No, I ain’t explain this unique feeling deeply (I ain’t acting like a phsycology student). It is just based on what I read before this, it leads to what Mr. Freud stated. And maybe those things are the attraction that makes me keep turning pages of the book.
After all, if you guys find yourself belong to feelers, I reckon this book to enrich your emtional experience. And for those who are thinkers maybe it can make you little more sensitive hehehehehe. Well, here, I am just trying to say that this book is worth reading, classic but still it is.
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