And the idea is about either you are telling or showing
Many undeniably different things occur to say to compare our TV series to US TV series that you probably know yourself. Some say that the idea lays in either you tell the story or show the story. Let’s see what is going on with this. But just to put on the attention, it is not about things from US or from Indonesia but it is about good shows and not very good shows served on TV.
Let’s start from our DRAMA TV series that so-called sinetron. Well I guess I shall not mention the titles in case I make some offensive opinion come up (hell I don’t wanna deal with Hotman Paris SH). Just we can see that they (sinetron) have the same pattern or plot of the story. It will tell about one nice stupid poor little girl loves one good rich handsome guy, with one little b*tch who loves him too. With all nasty manipulation, cruelty and anger beyond normal (nearly demon) followed, the b*tch becomes the shadow of relationship built by the poor little princess and that rich handsome prince. I mean, c’mon people it totally sucks! The story, the characters! Besides, instead of showing their emotions and what is happening, they tell them through the monologue that is dumb. They express anger with nasty facial expression like they widen their eyes, smile in cruel way that is OMG disgusting. Maybe they think that we (the audience) are not smart enough to catch what they mean. So they have the obligation to extremely clearly tell their emotion and the plot in that nasty way. Oh please….
And see what I can tell from US TV series. You are treated as a real watcher that will understand the story, emotion, scene in the show. They just put one little touch to express or to show what every character feels and what the story is about, but it’s there and we (watchers) are able to catch it. They play with facial expression but they turn off the exaggerating mode. Just with one little touch they make everything remarkable. And that’s showing is all about.
Maybe our sinetron makers ought to learn a lot more to make a good show. And if they change (to be good), I and you also will put our time to watch and maybe to be proud of our sinetron. Won’t us?
5 komentar:
hmmmm... interesting :)
it reminds me to critical analysis of poetry class. to be honest, i'm one of sinetron watcher... but it depends on who's the artist, i will watch sinetron which played by Christian Sugiono or Nabila Shakib :p
it is true that most of our Drama Tv show seems "Lebay" when showing their expresion, but we (watchers) like it...!! no matter what, its very entertaining...
i'm used to being sinetron fan but now hell no, all sinetron are crap and not worth watching. We have to learn more from US tv series which are superior and much more interesting than sinetron. I hate watching sinetron and moreover i don't have any tv set................One thing to be underlined is the author of this blog watches cinta fitri season 3 wuekkkkkk.....
I'm surprise!! (see what bram say on his last line of comment hehehe)
hell yeah agree!!!!!!!!!
haha.just consider that LEBAY mode only happens in lovely Indonesia. . .
secondly, i found no good in sinetron though it is praised by an ex-president and not to mention indonesia people are not critical thinker yet. . .
so far, i might say we dont even need da sinetron. . .
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