“Hey what’s up?”, “What are you up to, now?”, “What have you been doing recently?”, “How’s your thesis?” Ah… those questions again. Seriously, give me a break! It’s not that I don’t want to catch up. I mean, it’s just there was nothing a lot had been going on in my life recently, you know? I would just sit around watching DVDs, listening to the music from my computer, playing that stupid card game. The questions and the fact that I actually got nothing to do were really bugging me. If what you do is just get up from the bed and know exactly that for the next 18 hours you’ll get nothing exciting to do and eventually will end up on the same bed with the same feeling; useless, you’d really want say the same thing as I do. And the most awful thing is that I haven’t got any new direction where I’d bring my thesis. And there was no willingness to carry it on. And Jesus! Make them stop talking ‘bout this peter-porn thing all the time. Man, he’s a f*cker! Yeah, yeah, here I go again, a whining b*tch mode ON! Pardon the language, Sir, Ma’am!?
But, anyway, thanks to my friendship with my senior in debating club I got a job to apply to. Just like an unlikely angel she suddenly texted me letting me know that the place she’s been working in as a teacher happened to need new teachers. And boom! I got to come in. I got to get thru’ the application letter things, interview and set of tests of course, (you know the basics) but somehow I passed them. Now I got the break! Ha ha ha
It wasn’t my first interview of course; I’ve been in several interviews for my scholarship, albeit all of them just brought me failure, alas! But not this one, I was worried that I was going to be nervous and suddenly do some sort of stupid things like breaking something in the room, crying, or peeing on my pants. But thank God it didn’t happen. In fact it went well, not really the way I’d imagined before but it went well. I like the place, it’s clean, not as big as my campus though but it’s a good place to begin with. I know that my desire to be a teacher will never die. Though thru’ times I’ve been doubtful, unfocused about that. I want to be a journalist, then a news anchor, then go back again to be a teacher, then change again, but somehow it eventually will end up to being a teacher. I am not really certain about why I end up at that profession. Maybe it’s simply because I just get no any other talent?! Laugh at that!
My first day in a classroom with a bunch of adult students wasn’t really bad. In fact it was fun. I honestly had prepared for the worst. I’d imagined several possibilities. You know, since I’m a way younger than they are, I imagined it’s going to be hard to earn some respect, that they probably will despise me, underestimate me! Not that I hold on to a bad prejudgment, no. It’s more like I want to be well prepared for the unpleasant things. And I know it’s seriously hard to just accept that a supposed-your-son-or-brother kid teaches you, not to mention that some of you are the secretary, or the staff of this company and that company and all. But then again it’s nothing like I’d imagined before. Like I said we had so much fun. We learned, me and my older students. And despite their ages, they were just like kids, you know. I could see their eyes widened as I said the lectures in English; I could see they try to grasp them, to understand them. I could tell that they put effort to be able to do the assignment I gave. And one of them asked me whether I’m married. It really amused me.
And they wanted to go home before the end of the class. See!?
And I like my outfit when going teaching by the way. A shirt with a pair of pants and a pair lack shiny shoes. I feel like respecting myself and earning it from other people. Does it work? Well, I don’t know that, but at least I appreciate and respect myself.
So, now when I wake up in the morning, I know that for the next 18 hours I’ll be doing things in prioritized order as I just did at that moment. And I’d love to catch up with my friends about what’s going on with our lives.