/someone who uses mental acuity, hypnosis and/or suggestion/
/a master manipulator of thoughts and behavior/
I just finished watching the entire first season of The Mentalist in a place that I never imagine, Subang, the place where I run (read am stuck in) my university program KKN, which, to be honest, seemingly un-enables me neither to read nor to watch while curling at wherever available. You know, considering a lot of people whom basically I never met before, the noise (all of us are 12 which actually never fully there), program that should be done (which is unclear from the first week ‘till the very exact moment), thought I will never have moment enjoying what I really like, but in fact I have more than expected, by which I keep pushing myself to survive.
And I could finish reading King’s Rose Madder which I myself never thought could be finished that fast and now I am in Lauren Weisberger’s Everyone Worth Knowing. Well, spare you my KKN program and my killing-time activities in this place of nowhere (which actually will be posted the time I finished here) let’s just see how this show can be regarded worth watching.
Story of this TV series, The Mentalist, basically roots from the quest of Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) for Red John, a psychotic serial murderer with a bloody smiling face picture drawn in his every murder place as his murder trade mark, over the revenge to killing his family in turn of public humiliation he had done that Red John had to endure through his psychic ability (though he never admits he has such things as psychic) for revealing murder Red John had done, in a live TV show long time ago.
Sorry, regret, sadness, anger, and revenge have always been his since then, which is the reason of his firm oath of finding Red John. The entire quest for revenge, supported by his amazing sharpness and bizarre ability of tracking the serious crime including the murder’s motive, killing process, and the murderer, leads him to joining California Bureau of Investigation (CBI), despite his sarcasm, straight-forward-with-no-boundary act and his eccentricity in doing his job. With senior agent Teresa Lisbon, and her subordinate agents Kimbal Cho (Tim Kang), Wayne Rigsby (Owain Yoeman), and Grace Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti), as the consultant of investigation, Jane starts his quest for his enemy through one by one murder investigation in the state of California.
Frankly speaking, this detective-stuff series gives me some freshness in the sea of total drama series I have been watching, which overly exploits the emotional side, sex life, and so on which turns out to be less enjoyable. This serves new area of enjoyable entertainment.
And well, I love the last episodes in which Jane gets really close to his eternal enemy, Red John, in which Red John has played him. The trick is about the story of teenage twin girls kidnapping and murdering by a police state that apparently has relation to Red John.
Red John plays trick by attracting Jane to the scene of the crime, he deliberately lets Jane know that the man (the killer) has access to him. He makes Jane suffer in the anger and revenge and the ambition of finding him even worse. Things get worse when Lisbon tries to warn even prevent him to do something stupid over his anger; she kept Jane out of the case. Lisbon assumed that they can gain information once they have caught the killer, the one who was being used by Red John.
And in the of the story when the killer get caught which apparently to be a very priceless access to Red John, Jane inevitably have to chose either revenge or friend whom appears to be none other than Teresa Lisbon (whom I bet will be his love interest), because right at that moment she was under a gunpoint of the killer, whom then shot by Jane to death, which means he had to lose his access to his eternal enemy, which makes obviously potential extension of the story for the next season.
Basically I like almost every episode in which I realize that never crossed my mind that jealousy, anger, sadness, caring about self, people you love, and the most defensive defense could be the act that makes someone end up hurting or even killing other people.
But after all, technically, you’re the one who can control all emotion you have and keep yourself from hurting other people, only if you just can do thinking before acting.
Mrs. Tolliver: “What do you know?”
Jane: “All sorts of things
You really only pretend to like skiing, right?”
Mrs. Tolliver: “yes, b…”
Jane: “You’re pleased that your best friends recently gained some weight…about ten pounds. You wished to be more adventurous when you’re younger. You love India, but you’ve never been there. You have trouble sleeping. You favorite color…is blue”
Mrs. Tolliver: “I don’t understand
You’re… you’re psychic?”
Jane: “No…
Just paying attention…”