Saturday, July 18, 2009
Amateurishly Taken Photographs
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Herdiawan Fajar
7:38 PM
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From FEMINA to THE JAKARTA POST and end up in Jakarta Fair
Technically, I am supposed to still be able to stay in my home enjoying afternoon biking around the beach or doing some talking with my parents in this SHORT holiday (it’s just if I can say it’s a holiday) before I spend my next 40 days of it in Subang for my KKN program (last program as one of the subjects in this VERY LONG semester).
Instead, I have to make another at-least-a-thousand-word essay for my trip to Jakarta two days ago, which obviously was not a holiday. But that’s fine, I mean, the trip was fine (even it’s magnificent), and the essay? That’s the thing that’s not fine hahahahaha…
But here, with you, I’d like to share my trip with pleasure.
It was a program from English Department in my university to have a visit to The Jakarta Post and Femina in order to introduce their students to the workplace where they might belong in the future or in the recent time; where they might belong for their apprenticeship program for the next two following semester.
And they chose about 30 out of roughly 80 students of my attending year. Well, I see this as an opportunity to explore my next world might be after leaving university NEXT year (hahaha I wish I could and I would and whatever). Spare you the details!
So, in Femina it’s just fine, we were having a presentation from all those fabulous ladies, and one of them is the chief editor. They talked a lot about their magazines, about a bit of the world of journalism, about how a media like that can survive in all competition, including the obstacle of the higher penetration of TV and Internet to people that might threaten their existence.
Well, that’s undeniably true, but one thing that might become debatable is that they talked about the lack of our people’s reading interest. See what people from The Jakarta Post will talk about it.
To be honest, I was impressed by them. They are smart, independent and beautiful, and funny I should tell. And for you to know there is only ONE single man working in that magazine. See!?
While in The Jakarta Post, we talked also about the newspaper, about its development and the more interesting talking is about the apprenticeship that they will provide (what an opportunity) and about some stuffs of writing. And one thing I know from both of them is that they share the same concern about the existence of TV and Internet that may become their competitor nowadays.

While considering the notion about people’s reading interest; chief editor of the Jakarta Post apparently had a different view. They can’t blame people (technically reader) for problem of having their newspaper or magazines to be read, that is a problem about either you make it interesting or not to them (target readers), since he saw that people’s reading interest is not that terrible based on his observation in certain book fair which is always visited by the crowd as an indicator to that.
Well, for me, it is US who can answer that best. I mean ask ourselves, do you prefer spending an hour reading a 500-page novel and gradually finishing it to staring hours in front of sophisticated home theatre your parents have? I’m not telling that one is worse comparing to another; but we are grown up enough to be able to well manage our time to be more fruitful.
And! one thing I’d like to talk about is that since I am really concerned about this (my) blog and you, my readers, I asked the chief about how a writing can be told interesting and my blog can be read by a lot more people (indirectly), but seriously, it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you who already read it, obviously for you, my faithful reader I really appreciate that, and for you who reluctantly read, I appreciate if you read constantly also hehehehe (kidding). I thank you all for reading it. Well, to tell you the truth, from my questions I got quite answers that might deserve giving a try, just see how well I can reflect the lesson I got back there.

Time to shop (practically they spoke that, not me)! We went to Jakarta Fair, which I didn’t think really a worthy visit. Seriously, I supposed it will be sold things like traditional handicraft from all over regions from our country, or at least I could see a single ondel-ondel as the mascot of Jakarta around! But instead, I saw a lot of stands selling foods, drinks, helmets, cloths, and stuffs. Yet, thanks for, in the middle of the chaotic crowded bazaar, there’s kerak telor (particular food from Betawi made of rice and egg) which I desperately want to taste, and it tasted not bad, just skip Jakarta Fair!
Okay, alright! I’m about to end the talking, I know you’re bored to death reading my blah, blah, blah … so I promise this is the last; I’d like to say thank you for the chief of English Study Program to conduct (read include me in) such this program. My 8-hour trip from Pangandaran to Bandung apparently is not a dud; in fact it’s an inspiringly enlightening activity you’d ever done and I’d ever had…
Looking forward to another one!!!
Instead, I have to make another at-least-a-thousand-word essay for my trip to Jakarta two days ago, which obviously was not a holiday. But that’s fine, I mean, the trip was fine (even it’s magnificent), and the essay? That’s the thing that’s not fine hahahahaha…
But here, with you, I’d like to share my trip with pleasure.
It was a program from English Department in my university to have a visit to The Jakarta Post and Femina in order to introduce their students to the workplace where they might belong in the future or in the recent time; where they might belong for their apprenticeship program for the next two following semester.
And they chose about 30 out of roughly 80 students of my attending year. Well, I see this as an opportunity to explore my next world might be after leaving university NEXT year (hahaha I wish I could and I would and whatever). Spare you the details!
So, in Femina it’s just fine, we were having a presentation from all those fabulous ladies, and one of them is the chief editor. They talked a lot about their magazines, about a bit of the world of journalism, about how a media like that can survive in all competition, including the obstacle of the higher penetration of TV and Internet to people that might threaten their existence.
Well, that’s undeniably true, but one thing that might become debatable is that they talked about the lack of our people’s reading interest. See what people from The Jakarta Post will talk about it.
To be honest, I was impressed by them. They are smart, independent and beautiful, and funny I should tell. And for you to know there is only ONE single man working in that magazine. See!?
While in The Jakarta Post, we talked also about the newspaper, about its development and the more interesting talking is about the apprenticeship that they will provide (what an opportunity) and about some stuffs of writing. And one thing I know from both of them is that they share the same concern about the existence of TV and Internet that may become their competitor nowadays.
While considering the notion about people’s reading interest; chief editor of the Jakarta Post apparently had a different view. They can’t blame people (technically reader) for problem of having their newspaper or magazines to be read, that is a problem about either you make it interesting or not to them (target readers), since he saw that people’s reading interest is not that terrible based on his observation in certain book fair which is always visited by the crowd as an indicator to that.
Well, for me, it is US who can answer that best. I mean ask ourselves, do you prefer spending an hour reading a 500-page novel and gradually finishing it to staring hours in front of sophisticated home theatre your parents have? I’m not telling that one is worse comparing to another; but we are grown up enough to be able to well manage our time to be more fruitful.
And! one thing I’d like to talk about is that since I am really concerned about this (my) blog and you, my readers, I asked the chief about how a writing can be told interesting and my blog can be read by a lot more people (indirectly), but seriously, it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate you who already read it, obviously for you, my faithful reader I really appreciate that, and for you who reluctantly read, I appreciate if you read constantly also hehehehe (kidding). I thank you all for reading it. Well, to tell you the truth, from my questions I got quite answers that might deserve giving a try, just see how well I can reflect the lesson I got back there.
Time to shop (practically they spoke that, not me)! We went to Jakarta Fair, which I didn’t think really a worthy visit. Seriously, I supposed it will be sold things like traditional handicraft from all over regions from our country, or at least I could see a single ondel-ondel as the mascot of Jakarta around! But instead, I saw a lot of stands selling foods, drinks, helmets, cloths, and stuffs. Yet, thanks for, in the middle of the chaotic crowded bazaar, there’s kerak telor (particular food from Betawi made of rice and egg) which I desperately want to taste, and it tasted not bad, just skip Jakarta Fair!
Okay, alright! I’m about to end the talking, I know you’re bored to death reading my blah, blah, blah … so I promise this is the last; I’d like to say thank you for the chief of English Study Program to conduct (read include me in) such this program. My 8-hour trip from Pangandaran to Bandung apparently is not a dud; in fact it’s an inspiringly enlightening activity you’d ever done and I’d ever had…
Looking forward to another one!!!
Diposkan oleh
Herdiawan Fajar
6:29 PM
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Friday, July 3, 2009
About Movies--About Feeling the Excitement
There are two things how I enjoy from movies; those are its great story and its sophisticated technology. If good, those will be very fascinating, but usually each of them served in each different movie. I mean, some serve stunning visual effects and some serve great story, but seriously, just a few serve both.
Well, about great-story movie, for me it would happen to be movies such as American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Rachel Getting Married or the latest I watched; My Blueberry Nights and Georgia Rule to be worth watching. Okay, what I mean to say is those total drama movies, or drama comedy, or maybe thriller. Those kinds of movies serve a quite acting, a good story which is great life experience (sometimes tragic), and emotional thrill, amusing scene, suspense, or even sarcastic dialogue, which appears to be their strength. While Transformers, The Dark Knights, Monsters VS. Alien, (action or animation), on the other hand, will get you such stunning technology, despites their stories that speak out about the same thing that the good will always eventually prevails.
And here are some movies I recently watched and enjoyed, which specified into those two things:

My Blueberry Nights (starring Norah Jones, Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, and Natalie Portman); it’s a movie about how you learn to deal with life’s bitterness, how you heal from a great loss, pain, or suffering which seemingly lead to such a despair and eventually how you look at the bright side and just recover, which is perceived by Elizabeth (Jones).

Not a way different, a family drama movie Georgia Rule directed by Garry Marshal, acted by Jane Fonda, Felicity Huffman, and Lindsay Lohan also speaks about life’s complexity about how clear you would define what is right from what’s wrong, the truth and lies and about how deep and wise you could be to forgive everyone (you love) who un-intended-ly hurts you so badly. It is telling you how forgiving could be so hard and complicated, as well as easy and simple at the same time. These movies are as enjoyable as the movie showing robots with the hard metal look but dynamically (gracefully) fighting to serve peace for the universe which I watched few days ago.

It’s Michael Bay’s second installment movie of Transformers, Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen, despite a less great story, (for me) it belongs to those enjoyable sophisticated-technology movies. Seriously it’s really cool, the visual effects. See all the robots fight against each other to save the universe from a massive invasion of those bad ones, see also the military jet plane of USA of course. And take a look at their movements in the war scenes; see the detail of the massive destruction resulted in the city, the Pyramid. That is technology we are talking about. And okay, it all is intimidating and fascinating though.
If such situation is really happening, I get a little question crossing my mind about why is it supposed to be only USA to stand solely saving the world? Ah...well, just forget it…
So! that’s got to be the way how I enjoy movies as my entertainment which sometimes makes me get to have a muse by those touching or even amusing stories and or makes me stunned or fascinated by those twenty-first-century accomplishment of human civilization; sophisticated technology. And honestly speaking, I like them both. They’re cool…
Well, about great-story movie, for me it would happen to be movies such as American Beauty, Revolutionary Road, Rachel Getting Married or the latest I watched; My Blueberry Nights and Georgia Rule to be worth watching. Okay, what I mean to say is those total drama movies, or drama comedy, or maybe thriller. Those kinds of movies serve a quite acting, a good story which is great life experience (sometimes tragic), and emotional thrill, amusing scene, suspense, or even sarcastic dialogue, which appears to be their strength. While Transformers, The Dark Knights, Monsters VS. Alien, (action or animation), on the other hand, will get you such stunning technology, despites their stories that speak out about the same thing that the good will always eventually prevails.
And here are some movies I recently watched and enjoyed, which specified into those two things:

My Blueberry Nights (starring Norah Jones, Jude Law, Rachel Weisz, and Natalie Portman); it’s a movie about how you learn to deal with life’s bitterness, how you heal from a great loss, pain, or suffering which seemingly lead to such a despair and eventually how you look at the bright side and just recover, which is perceived by Elizabeth (Jones).

Not a way different, a family drama movie Georgia Rule directed by Garry Marshal, acted by Jane Fonda, Felicity Huffman, and Lindsay Lohan also speaks about life’s complexity about how clear you would define what is right from what’s wrong, the truth and lies and about how deep and wise you could be to forgive everyone (you love) who un-intended-ly hurts you so badly. It is telling you how forgiving could be so hard and complicated, as well as easy and simple at the same time. These movies are as enjoyable as the movie showing robots with the hard metal look but dynamically (gracefully) fighting to serve peace for the universe which I watched few days ago.

It’s Michael Bay’s second installment movie of Transformers, Transformers: The Revenge of the Fallen, despite a less great story, (for me) it belongs to those enjoyable sophisticated-technology movies. Seriously it’s really cool, the visual effects. See all the robots fight against each other to save the universe from a massive invasion of those bad ones, see also the military jet plane of USA of course. And take a look at their movements in the war scenes; see the detail of the massive destruction resulted in the city, the Pyramid. That is technology we are talking about. And okay, it all is intimidating and fascinating though.
If such situation is really happening, I get a little question crossing my mind about why is it supposed to be only USA to stand solely saving the world? Ah...well, just forget it…
So! that’s got to be the way how I enjoy movies as my entertainment which sometimes makes me get to have a muse by those touching or even amusing stories and or makes me stunned or fascinated by those twenty-first-century accomplishment of human civilization; sophisticated technology. And honestly speaking, I like them both. They’re cool…
Diposkan oleh
Herdiawan Fajar
4:36 PM
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-Plain Truth-

Plain Truth is the book I just finished reading, it’s by Jodie Picoult. It tells about a teenage Amish girl, Katie Fisher, who is being charged for a new born baby murder who supposedly belongs to her. Katie, however, keeps insisting that she has never murdered the new born, even she admitted not to ever get pregnant in the first place. She eventually is pushed to the corner as all medical evidence lead all the state to the fact that she has recently delivered a baby and the fact that she might have something to do with the death of that infant. In the court, Katie is being helped by a brilliant attractive attorney, Ellie Hathaway to whom Katie can talk to, to reveal the truer truth.
Through the story we are brought to see how Amish-men live their simplicity of life. Amish is an obedient German Christian tribe in USA who live in small village with all the simplicity of religious life. If you are an Amish, you do not call your friend with cell-phone, do not go to the movie, you do not watch gossips on TV, you live with no electricity, and you do not travel by a car, neither go to college. You work at the farm and serve the church after all and Amish, they don’t lie, which make all absurd for Katie Fisher to have a baby out of wedlock, even committing a murder.
I like the plot of Plain Truth. It portrays the details of Katie’s life as an Amish and her little experience in ‘English’ world. Through which I feel like to see how what’s right can be perceived in different ways. I mean sometimes as you try to do and say the right thing but in the wrong place, it might appear not to be what it’s supposed to be or it could be not the right thing to say. Like sometimes you just have to keep the truth for yourself, because after all, you might not need anyone to define for you about you either tell the truth or lies. Those are coming from the fact (particularly in the novel) that in human justice (in the novel it is the ‘English’ court), the truth can be just a result of a winning-battle argument and the trial as the battlefield. Practically saying, it can be such shifting idea about law and court as a place to find justice and defend the truth, but instead, it can be merely the war of the prosecutor against the attorney to serve a more convincing story of such crime for the judge to decide the punishment. So the truth itself can be very bias, and after all we are not in the capacity of giving a judgment, moreover, a punishment.
It tells also about how forgiving could be so easy, which is I know in real life it could be the hardest thing to do. Sometimes your ego won’t let yourself to let it go, by which you will never be able to move forward from all your pain, anger, and suffering. And in the end of the day, it’s just you, your ego, who will hurt yourself, not people who begged you for forgiveness in the first place.
About un-judging point of view towards people; about who they are and the acts that they do, for we gotta to know that they should have reason why they do so, which maybe beyond our thoughts. And it’s about how far you would defend your faith which might define who you are and stick to it.
Three and a half for Plain Truth, and I look forward to another Picoult’s, Tenth Circle.
Diposkan oleh
Herdiawan Fajar
4:30 PM
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